Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Toni & Guy Subiaco

The new Toni & Guy Salon has opened in Subiaco just a couple of streets from our Studio. This was a nice close location for the shoot. Designed by Mata Design Studio the two level 150 sqm interior was shot over twilight with special attention given to controlling the bright lights and dark interiors. The externals were shot with car trails running across the frame adding some additional foreground interest.

All photography by Joel Barbitta
D-Max photography ©2012


Anonymous said...

An architect has to organize hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of information, and a disorganized office might be a big red flag. However, don't confuse artist creativity with disorganization. Models or model building supplies, trace paper and sketches can be a sign of real creativity, but project information is normally stored in binders and filing cabinets. Large piles of unsorted paper are probably not a good sign.


Architects Costa Rica said...

Excellent post. The info that you wrote it seems too interesting for our business, in addition to the images seem very surprising. Like you, we love to share our work with the same passion that unites us. Thank you very good work.